
Name: Floss

Species: Long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis)

Who is she?: Floss the Boss

Special skills: Her impressive food call

Adopt Floss




Adopting a monkey with Wild Futures really is a gift with a difference. Whether it’s a gift for yourself or another, you will be supporting the vital work of our charity and enabling us to protect primates and their habitats worldwide. The monkeys featured in the symbolic adoption scheme reside at Wild Futures’ The Monkey Sanctuary in Cornwall, UK, where they all have a home for life. Adopters become part of a proud, extended family of supporters who are a part of each individual’s lives through visits, updates and photos. We are committed to giving the monkeys we have rescued the most natural life possible, amongst company of their own kind in species specific territories. The generous contributions from adopters help us to help them recover from the mental and physical trauma they have suffered in their former lives as someone’s pet, and simply learn how to just be a monkey. Each monkey is unique with their own stories and personalities, so please do spend some time reading through their profiles.

International adoption packs will be sent digitally, direct to your inbox. If you would like a physical pack, please email [email protected] to discuss options.

As an adopter, you will receive:

  • A personalised certificate of your adoption
  • A photo of your adopted monkey
  • Your adopted monkey’s story
  • Species factsheet
  • Wild Futures newsletters twice a year (sent digitally or physically)
  • Discounted entry fee into The Monkey Sanctuary
  • A cuddly monkey toy (optional and for physical packs only)

About Floss

Name: Floss

Species: Long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis)

Who is she? Floss the Boss

Special skills: Her impressive food call

Floss arrived at The Monkey Sanctuary in January 2022 after being kept as a pet, along with with three other long-tailed macaques. We do not know for sure if they are related and had been bred onsite, or if they had all been bought separately beforehand. Their cage was in a back garden, and was about 9m across x 5m back and around 3m high. They had indoor areas, but only one was heated. There were minimal furnishings in the cage and the floor was made of concrete.

Even though she is a Long-tailed macaque, Floss is missing the end of her tail. This is fairly common within the pet trade, as cages are not often built with safety in mind and their tails can easily get trapped due to their long length, and then need to be amputated as they are too severely injured.

However, Floss is very clever and adaptable so she is able to move around well. As the alpha female of her group, Floss is very much the Boss and this means that she always gets first dibs on the best food – something she very much enjoys!

Primates are intelligent and sociable animals and being kept as pets is a lonely, under-stimulating existence that can lead to abnormal behaviours. These behaviours may remain with the monkeys for the rest of their lives, but with enough environmental stimulation, social company, and lots of territory space with access to branches and trees, we can help these monkeys recover and offer them a stable, stimulating, and social life at the Sanctuary.

Adopting Floss means that you are helping to provide the resources needed to give her the best life possible. Your adoption also enables Wild Futures to continue its vital work campaigning for an end to the primate pet trade in the UK and abroad.


Our adoptions are purely symbolic, which means you will not receive any real animals in the post! Monkeys are wild animals – not domesticated pets.

The need for rescue and rehabilitation of primates from private ownership:

  • There are at least 5,000 privately owned primates in the UK
  • All monkeys are wild animals and inherently unsuitable for keeping in domestic situations.
  • UK law allows for the legal keeping of primates as pets, despite lack of recognised care standards and insufficient enforcement of licensing laws, leading to many pet primates being kept in inadequate conditions.
  • Lack of adequate species knowledge, diet, veterinary care, social opportunity and space leads to mental, physical and emotional suffering for pet primates.

How our sanctuary meets their needs:

  • We guarantee a home for life for all rescued monkeys.
  • We give individuals the opportunity to socialise and form natural bonds with other monkeys.
  • We provide an expert team of carers with the relevant skills to meet the complex physical, social and emotional needs of each individual.
  • We have a high carer-to-monkey ratio which ensures that all needs are met, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Our charity receives no government funding, so financial support is vital to allow us to continue our important work.

By purchasing a symbolic monkey adoption, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions.